Monday, October 14, 2019

8 Ways to Fight a Cold/Flu Naturally

Arrrggg, sickness gotcha down?  Now that schools been back in session (uhh…germs!?!), seasons are TRYING to change here and with free flu shots being offered at nearly every pharmacy across the nation, it’s no secret that flu season is upon us and friends and customers left and right have ailments like respiratory issues, sore throats and more.  Soooo….how do you kick the funk?  Here’s 8 things you can do to safeguard your health:

GARLIC - Many studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of garlic for common cold symptoms.  In one study, researchers found that taking raw garlic reduced the length of cold symptoms by 70%!  Garlic has antibacterial properties and is excellent for respiratory and bronchial symptoms.  You can buy garlic supplements BUT why give the supplement industry all of your money when you can go strait to the source for pennies?  Simply peel a raw garlic clove, cut into swallowable pieces and take it just like a pill.

OREGANO - oregano has effects similar to garlic in that it has antiviral & antibacterial properties.  While you can consume oregano essential oil,’s gross.  For this, I do recommend supplements to avoid the horrendous overpowering taste of the oregano.  When I get sick, I want it gone ASAP so I tag team it with garlic and at least 2 Oil of Oregano supplements daily.  

JUICE - here’s the truth of the matter: If you got sick at all for any reason it’s because your immune system wasn’t strong enough to fight it off.  What’s the best way to get better?  Not by taking a bunch of stuff to mask symptoms...sure, you will feel better but it will be artificial and you haven’t gotten to the root of the problem, which is a compromised immune system.  Best way to boost immunity?  By consuming ridiculous amounts of fruits and veggies, all loaded with immune boosting enzymes to help your body build its defense against that which got you sick!  Fresh pressed juice is one of the best ways to do this because in every cup there are multiple servings of these life-giving plants without the added sugar and processing which degrades the nutrients.  You can also get these nutrients just by consuming all the fruits/veggies you can get your hands on.  Dive into some kale: your new best friend with benefits!

TURMERIC - this golden root is one of the most well researched natural healing plants/roots and is a well documented anti-inflammatory.  Anything anything is going wrong in your bod....something is inflamed.  Turmeric can help calm some symptoms by lowering the inflammation which then lowers your body’s natural response to said inflammation.  

ELDERBERRY - another well known Kryptonite for the Common Cold, elderberry syrup is a powerful immune booster loaded with antioxidants and can also lessen inflammation.  When taken within 48 hours of onset, studies have shown it can reduce the duration of symptoms by 4 days!  You can purchase this syrup at a health food store or make your own!  Simply boil 1/2 cup of elderberries with 2 cups of water for about 45minutes.  (Optional: add some minced ginger or cinnamon to water). Mash with the back of a spoon to release the berries from their skins and press through a nut milk bag.  Add a 1/2 cup of honey after the syrup has cooled (Manuka or local honey is ideal) and mix well.  Store in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.  You can purchase elderberries online or sometimes we do have them available at The Juice Box.  

ECHINACEA - loaded with tons of health benefits and widely trusted as a cold fighter, echinacea also lowers blood pressure and assists in healthy cell growth.  Take this in supplement, tea or tincture form.  

GRAPEFRUIT SEED EXTRACT - I personally swear by this stuff.  The intense compounds of polyphenols contained in this magic concentrated liquid act as powerful antimicrobials & antioxidants, killing microbes and protecting the body against the effects of them.  We don’t offer this yet at the JB, but I love the Nutribiotic brand.  Several drops into my juice or smoothie basically every time I drink anything and it helps knock stuff right out.  CAUTION: grapefruit (including this) commonly interferes with many drugs.  If you are on any sort of medication, speak with your doctor first!

HYDRATE & REST - and it’s FREE!  Drink plenty of water or juice and let your body heal while you take it easy.  

Wishing you well!
  • The Juice Box 🌱

PS: when I get sick, I don’t just pick one of the above.  I knock it out of the park by doing every single one of those above mentioned.  I am early sick for more than a day at a time.  Almost never 2.  Cheers to health!

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